
examples and citations

A representative sample of how TRIMMS is being used or cited at federal, state and local levels.

Transportation, Air Pollution, and Climate Change

Operation Benefit/Cost Analysis Desk Reference

Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook, Third Edition

Online TDM Encyclopedia

This study conducts a sketch-planning travel activity analysis, using a combination of TRIMMS and MOVES emissions modeling to estimate potential emission reductions from combinations of travel efficiency strategies.

Chapter 4 lists TRIMMS as one of 12 existing benefit-costs tools and methods.

This Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report lists TRIMMS in Employer and Institutional TDM Strategies.

The Victoria Transport Policy Institute “Online TDM Encyclopedia” references TRIMMS as TDM evaluation tool.

Congestion Management Process (CMP) Guidebook

The guidebook lists TRIMMS as one of the tools available to assess congestion management strategies.

Integrating Demand Management Into the Transportation Planning Process

FHWA report lists TRIMMS as a TDM evaluation model.